Want to lobby the First Minister? Send a £10,000 cheque to the SNPTHE SNP was last night plunged into a cash-for-access row after a Scotland on Sunday investigation revealed the party is selling time with First Minister Alex Salmond and senior ministers in return for payments worth thousands of pounds.
Want to get mad?
This journalist shows an ignorance and arrogance that is quite unbelievable! How he thinks that sponsoring an event at a Conference equates to lobbying is ridiculous. Every conference or event relies on sponsorship today and the purpose of it is to allow various individuals to set out their stall to the delegates at the event. ie an event sponsored by windfarms for example, is to permit the delegates to learn more about windfarms. Speakers can include politicians who may put the party's point of view on the matter. I seem to remember seeing sponsorship of fringe events at the Conferences of every political party, which neither endorses said product/viewpoint nor disagrees with it. It is for information only and if someone should stop by to speak, that is the eqivalent of looking at the goods in a shop window!
Why imply that this is something unacceptable? Every party does it and it is all open.
As for Honours for cash - it is not over as there is still a lot to be answered there. The CPS felt there was not enough to stand up in Court. Interpret that as the Labour Lawyers had been at work smudging and covering! There's more there yet.
Post Script
Been quite a few comments out and about today re this article and the most common statement was bad journalism that would be bad in a tabloid. Never thought that ANY Scotsman publication would ever be described in this way, by folk who do not normally explode at this sort of paper. Something to be kicked into the gutter for de-composing - a disgraceful piece of work, totally lacking in decent research, never mind integrity.
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- The Wheeling Whaup
- Geography graduate Scottish university,Scot with Viking blood,
1 comment:
I'm contacting people who included Arthur Ramsome amongst their favourite books/authors when they were writing their 'blooger's profile'.
This is because I think they might like my blog. It is called THE BRICKS IN THE CAVE and is an adventure story for children.
I am posting an illustrated episode each day at
The story has already started but earlier chapters can be got to easily through the side bar.
Although it is not as densely written as books like Swallows and Amazons, it has this in common with them . . . that the setting offers country / seaside dwelling children a familiar background for the tale (which is not common in contemporary children's fiction) and, at the same time, it offers city-dwelling children a chance to visit the countryside / the sea in their imagination.
Since I put the book on the blog, I have had interesting and thoughtful emails from people in India, Singapore, New Zealand and England but none from the USA or Scotland.
This may be pure chance. On the other hand, it may be that this kind of children's story does not appeal in those countries.
Would you be prepared to offer an opinion? Such an input would be really helpful when I approach a 'proper' publisher!
I do hope it is ok to contact you in this way.
I can be contacted through the 'Comments' on the blog itself or by email
Yours sincerely
Susan Harwood
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